Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Obama + Arab Spring - Israel = BAD for All!

Obama + Arab Spring - Israel = BAD for All!

OK, we have to now dive into state of affairs that are deteriorating the Middle East because of the Arab Spring and the naive support of it by this President. Occurrences in the last four years there do not only impact the US & Israel but the rest of the world, count on it! So get ready ya’ll let’s get into it.

We all know that at one point in time there was a Ottoman and Safavid Empire that encompassed almost everything from India to the Mediterranean Sea, into Africa down to Egypt along the northern coast to Algiers and up just past Turkey in Europe.  Both empires were strong and feared from roughly the 1600’s to the beginning of the 1800’s. You ask me why this is important? What does this have to do with today? Well here is the relevance.

From the 1800’s until currently, both these empires were greatly divided and had such strong feelings keeping them fractured so that each country unreservedly  would not work with one another which kept them not as strong. Mainly due to the American power that had been projected during Barbary War in 1801 to 1805 until now they were afraid to “flex their muscles” or even work together because any sign of aggression would be obliterated by the might of the US and the rest of the world. Additionally, with that power protecting the nation of Israel no other county had even thought to test Israel knowing that none of them had a big enough hammer to nail the US. Now with the Arab Spring it seems that they are rediscovering that time old saying, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. This will not work out well for not only the US but the rest of the world. If and or when a “reunification” of these countries back to empires occurs then as a whole they have one big hammer.

OK, I know, that’s crazy, but are not all these countries adopting Sharia Law and want to annihilate Israel?  That is a religious belief not an ideology which makes it much more dangerous and thus more coalescing than any idea. Again, if or when alliances are made to recreate and expand such an empire(s) then we now have an enormous region with hundreds of millions of people that now are pointed to a single goal, to expand and to control. We also have to remember that they do not know of such a word as compromise or fail. I also assure you that if they do take over another country, like India how many more then will come to the fight. Oh, and let us not forget that India, Israel and Pakistan have nuclear weapons and Iran will soon because of this administration’s policies, actions and words. What do you think will happen then? Just laying it out for you.

So let’s use a little common since. We need to stop the talking and start the doing. We have to rebuild the view of American power, influence and project that especially in our resolve in our indissoluble pact with not only Israel but India as well. Maybe this will help; If you have the biggest kid in the courtyard that is also carrying a bat protecting those that can’t protect themselves, would you go after the kid’s that he protects? Answer, most likely not because self preservation would kick in. But if you knew that you could do it while the big kid with the bat wasn't looking or didn't care because he wasn't friends with them anymore wouldn't you do whatever you wanted to do knowing no harm would come to you? Well that is what is happening. Now all the kids that have wanted to get something from the other kids that were protected in the courtyard see that they can get what they want and they will get along long enough to get it.

This is how those countries that are now instituting Sharia law feel about Israel and other regions around them. They feel that not only Israel but a great number of other things have been taken from them, whether they have been or not, this is their religious belief that they must regain any supposed loss and spread their beliefs, at any costs. That same belief dictates that they must eliminate those whom do not believe the same. 

Now, in fairness, not all those in the Middle East believe in this mind set but simply look at not only evidence in the past but what is happening in Syria. If you do not agree you will be eliminated, no matter your ethnic background, solely upon your beliefs. I thought as Americans, as the United States, sense our founding and the shores of Tripoli we stood against such oppression. We have for well over two hundred years why are we not fighting it now? Why are we not working and doing what we can to maintain the supremacy in the courtyard with our military might so that other kids won’t get picked on? For those who don’t want a big, strong military, I ask you; what exactly do you think allows you the opportunity to say, do and act the way a free man or woman can? Answer; the US Military and the might it projects!

So let’s do the common since thing and do what we have said in the past and show those that would bring harm to others that we are still the kid in the courtyard with the bat, we are watching, we do care and we will protect those whom cannot protect themselves. Oh, let me not forget one thing, and I don’t care how you take this, we will do what we have to do to keep our people safe and if your doubt our resolve, let us show you our bat!

Until next time.

As always, if you like what you are reading, like, share, link and tweet. Input and comments are more than welcome at anytime. 


  1. This is a sloppy mess of right wing rhetoric, historical inaccuracies, and utter nonsense. It sounds like an 8th grader was asked to listen to Glen Beck for an entire day and then told to free write about it for an hour. Sweet graphics though.

  2. So if it is so sloppy, and full of historical inaccuracies then please point those out. I truly want to make sure all items are factual. As for the writing please, instead of making a childish attempt at insulting someone offer some type of educated rebuttal. I welcome all input so that I can dissect it and prove my point. I can not do such a thing with a multi directed, unsubstantiated hit and run. But I do again thank you for your read and input.

  3. Well it's all quite confusing. In the 3rd paragraph: are you suggesting that the only thing that prevented the Ottoman and safavid empires from attacking Israel was America's foreign policy?

  4. And are you somehow suggesting that the Barbary wars protected Israel? Please explain yourself sir.

  5. Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. Because from that point until now our power and resolve kept those countries from reuniting and furthermore extremists from attempting to expand. But if they reunite behind the enemy of my enemy is my friend and recreate one big empire we will have a massive problem on our hands.

  6. Well that is a bold claim ... you know since Israel was not a country until 1948 and did not have a significant Jewish population (excluding biblical times) until the 20th century. So how were we protecting them? Oh and up until WWI the land of Palestine (now Israel) was a part of the Ottoman empire. So how were they a threat to "Israel."

  7. And as I said, that it kept extremists from attempting to expand after the separation of the empires which carried on and was prjected onto Israel with our close partnership until now. So after the breakup of the empires the supremacy of the US power halted the desire of expanaion which was aided by their slight differences. But now with the common cause and desire for sharia and common enemy they may now overlook those small differences to reunite under a general cause.

  8. Joel, I love your blog and you know that I do because you are a speaker of truth and freedom and those are things I work for every day of my life because its the one thing OBUMMER cant take from all of us! I'm soooooo sorry I've been MIA but busy projects here in the office, ya know?!

    That said, I checked with Glenn because I am not a historian of any sort, but Glenn DEFINITELY IS (as you well know). Apparently, Anonymous (probably POOPTROOPER BACK IN DISGUISE) is correct and Israel didn't exist until after WW2. So, they had nothing to do with the Barbers or whatever they were called. The heck? I know! But if Glenn says it, it's the gospel.

  9. Mia, I am well aware of that and I was not saying that Israel was around at that time, I am aware that they were not a nation until after WWll, Glenn is correctly. My argument is that sence the Barbary wars extremists have understood our nations and our militaries resolve because they experienced it first hand. And because of that extremists from the time of those wars till Israel was formed and until now respected us and have not really pushed back. But now they see that they can and there are no boundaries. So let Glenn know I was solely using that war to make a broader point. Have him read it, he should get it. I know he is always busy but have him take a look and he should understand, let me know what he says. Besides I don't want him thumbing I an a dumb#@s. Thanks.
